Letter from the Principal

Principal's Message

My name is Aura Street and I am the Principal of Mother Teresa School. We are very proud to be part of the Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education (MHCBE) and look forward to showcasing all of the wonderful things our school has to offer throughout our website, newsletters, social media and much, much more!

At Mother Teresa School, we believe that all children can be successful; it’s just a matter of recognizing what that path to success looks like and adjusting our programming and teaching to align with those particular strengths and interests. We are a dedicated staff here at Mother Teresa School and we recognize the value and importance of each and every one of our students.

We will be continuing with our Health and Wellness program this year which will be focused around the five main pillars of Health & Wellness (Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Nutritional, Digital).  We will accomplish this through what we call “F.I.T. Fridays” which stands for Facing It Together.  After all, becoming healthy and well is a team effort!

Mother Teresa School would not be what it is without the support of our parents and community members. We encourage all stakeholders to continue to communicate with us at the school. Your opinions matter! Please also consider joining our School Council. It is a great way to stay involved in your child’s learning journey.

God Bless,