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Tanya Scherer

Photo of Tanya Scherer

Grade 1

Hello Everybody!  

Can you believe it? I grew up in Medicine Hat and I even attended grades 1-6 at Mother Teresa School! Mother Teresa School kinda feels like home.

After elementary school I attend St. Mary's Junior High and McCoy. I then took 2 years at the Medicine Hat College and moved to Lethbridge to attend University for 3 years. I graduated from the U of L with a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Education. My very first teaching job was at St. Michael's School in Bow Island where I taught for 5 years various grades and subjects (grades 2, 3, 4, and Religion 11 and English 30).  I was then blessed with a son, Lincoln, who has been God's most precious gift! I taught full day/every day kindergarten at Mother Teresa for 2 years, kindergarten and grade 1 at St. Louis School for 2 years and then returned to Mother Teresa Kindergarten for 12 years. I am excited to now be teaching grade 1! 

I have 2 dogs, Tucker (an energetic yellow lab) and Nixon (black lab/boarder collie). I love to read (especially all sorts of children's books), camp, travel, and spend time with my family and friends. I also love to laugh, play and learn new things!

Now that you have learned a little about me - please stop by the Grade 1 room any time - I want to learn all about you!